Bible Verses
Bible Verses are the heart of the Scourby Bible App. The King James Bible contains 31,102 Bible verses. The shortest Bible verse is “Jesus wept” found in John 11:35. The longest King James Bible verse is 90 words found in Ester 8:9. The collective 31,102 Bible verses within the King James Bible, not only sets forth God’s plan for salvation of the man and woman, but also contains Words of Life to live by daily. The Scourby Bible App permits users to create playlists of their favorite Bible Verses and also share those Bible verses with family and friends. Not only can users share Bible Verses, they can also share their custom Bible Verse playlist with others as well.
Design & Development Of You Bible App
The Scourby Bible App is narrated by Alexander Scourby, “The Voice of the Bible”. The first step in creating the Bible App was a to digitally re-master each and every Bible verse, and then insert it into its own Mp3 file. This permitted the user to be able to search for a certain Bible verse and to either share it with others, along with a personal note, or to put those Bible verses into any number of custom playlists. Bible verse manipulation and sharing is the heart and power of the Scourby Bible App.
Users can also choose a Bible Verse reading plan that will deliver up a certain number of Bible verses daily. That will enable the user to read all 31,102 Bible Verses in the King James Bible in a certain number of days.
The You Bible App is the number one Bible App in the world with features no other Bible App has. All of the Bible Bible App features are easily accessible in an easy-to-use hamburger menu, which also includes a help file to show users how each feature works. The narrator Alexander Scourby, according the Chicago Tribune, is regarded as the Best Bible narrator in the World. The Bible is presented in a bimodal synchronization within the Bible app, which simply means that the text and the audio is synced together. The active Bible verse being read is highlighted, so the user knows instantly which verse is being read. Studies have shown this kind of presentation increases both the users comprehension and understanding.
As a user is reading and listening to the Bible app, at anytime on the fly, the user can select a Bible verse and either share it with a personal note to someone, or add it to the playlist. The user can also re-arrange Bible Verses within the playlist in an order of their choice. The app will then play the playlist back to the user, with text and audio synced together, in the order the Bible verses appear.
The Scourby You Bible App is the go to app for millions, that is why it’s far and away the Ultimate Bible App on the market.